Bulletin 1/2

Below is information regarding the WRE event, which is part of the sprint training camp:

Event info:
Location: South Surrey Bike Park
Date: Saturday Feb 12, 2011
Starts: between 9 and 10:30 am
Event type: Regular Sprint, possibly with spectator loop.
Winning times: 12-15 minutes
Website with further info: http://sprint.whyjustrun.ca

Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club
Magnus Johansson (Event director)
Adrian Zissos (National Controller)
John Rance (IOF Event Adviser

Men Elite, Women Elite, Public (non-WRE)
Participation recommendation for Elite (WRE): Experienced orienteers, age 17 to 45.

Map and embargo:
Map name: South Surrey Bike Park.
Contours: 2m.
An older version of the map is available here. The embargoed area for the competition is shown here.

Model map:
This model map is included in your race package.

Self-organized car pool from the various accommodation locations.

Terrain description:
Majority of terrain is a very intricate, labyrinth-like, network of biking trails on a gently sloping hillside. Vegetation between trails is generally very thick or with bad undergrowth, mapped with medium or dark green and double density green stripes. Light green and single density green stripes indicate areas where it is recommended to go off-trail. Only attempt to cross darker green for very short sections. There will also be a section of traditional park terrain with very fast running, including grass lawn, buildings, roads, paths, trees and bushes etc.

Climate in February is typically around 5 to 10 degrees Celsius and a significant chance of rain.

Fallen logs are extremely slippery! Shoes with metal studs recommended.

Registration information:
Registration online on this webpage..
Entry deadline for WRE: Sunday, Feb 6.

Training opportunities:
Arrive Vancouver early and GVOC will help provide sprint maps for training!

© Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club 2006